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16 March 2022

Forbes magazine has just released an article highlighting the upcoming W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 standard.  While the draft standard is not yet ready for use, the article traces the history of the WCAG standard, known currently as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, and the promise the future standard can offer.

The article was written by Ran Ronen, CEO of Equally AI, and looks at how the W3C has transformed the internet.  Since Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s invented the internet in 1989, he founded, along with Jeffrey Jaffe the World Wide Web Consortium. Now referred to as W3C, which has championed the evolution and the standardisation of web practices.  The article explains the great progress that has been made with the ongoing development of WCAG 3.0, and how this work could impact the life of the everyday person.

The article includes:

  • A brief overview of the WCAG 3.0 draft and its goal – Including ePub, PDF and mobile applications being more accessible
  • What the new guidelines mean for businesses
  • Improved support for web accessibility technologies
  • Additional  new technologies being supported

While the development of WCAG 3.0 is exciting, W3C recommends that at this stage it is not used until its development is further progressed. The current recommendation at this time of writing is the WCAG 2.1 standard.

You can read The Future of Web Accessibility: WCAG 3.0

Read the WCAG 3.0 Guidelines