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28 September 2022

Knowing what accessibility features are available for different technologies is not always common knowledge, for many, may not even cross their minds until they need to use it. For those that don’t know about them, how best to use them is not the easiest to find out. To help with this, Microsoft has created an accessibility training guide for some of their products, which now joins their other training topics.

The Accessibility Fundamentals training guide is free, with the ability to go at your own pace, with Microsoft walking through the various settings and options available. Each module is clearly labelled with how long the package will take, and its user level: Beginner, Administrator, Student. Each of the modules is split into various units covering different aspects of accessibility.

To access the guides, log in to your Microsoft profile. There are four main Learning Paths, which are:

  • Introduction to disability and accessibility, topics include; What is Accessibility, Language and Etiquette.
  • Microsoft accessibility features and tools, topics include; Gaming features, Windows 10 Accessibility features and tools.
  • Creating accessible content with Microsoft 365, topics include; Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and summary and resources.
  • Digital accessibility, topics include; Digital accessibility and app development.

Got a question on Microsoft training, check out their FAQ page