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31 October 2022

As part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month during October, Amazon, while continuing to commit to pursuing accessibility, has released new and innovative video stations to over 200 sites; in an endeavour to teach employees sign language. These video stations, available throughout operation centre’s in North America and Europe, are a series of rotating videos about sign language words and topics, where the employees learn the basics of sign language for their region.

The below video is in both English and French, but has subtext in English

The project, having been created by Amazon’s People with Disabilities team, intends to improve communication with colleagues who are deaf or hard of hearing. Since its launch, a year ago, video stations have been installed in over eight countries – including Canada, France, the UK, Poland and Spain – with plans to expand numbers in additional countries, to follow.

Josh Smith, project creator and learning business partner for North American Sort Centers, has said that: “It gives visibility to our colleagues who are deaf and hard of hearing while giving everyone the opportunity to learn sign language.” In addition to the video stations, Amazon also has sign language interpreters and assistive technology.

For more information, please read the about Amazon article detailing the rollout of the video stations.